The AYC delegation led by Ms. Natalie Sonia Mukundane, Ag. Executive Chairperson had series of meetings with officials of UNFPA Liaison Office to AU and ECA, Social Development Policy Division, Population and Youth Section of UNECA, AU Youth4Peace Programme, HRTS Youth Division and Department of Political Affair African Governance Architecture Secretariat.
The meetings were meant to officially inform them about the forthcoming 3rd Pan African Youth Conference on African Unity and Development and the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the AYC, taking place from 23-26 March 2019 in Banjul, The Gambia, seek for their collaboration and invite them to attend the conference.
The delegation paid a courtesy call to H.E Ambassador Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission to invite, seek for the support and endorsement of the African Union Commission. Welcoming the delegation to the African Union Headquarters, Ambassador Quartey on behalf of the Chairperson of the AUC thanked the AYC delegation for the visit and congratulated them for the foresight and good work they’re doing in engaging youth culturally, intellectually, economically and politically to participate in the Development of Africa.
Ambassador Quartey expressed delight to be associated with African Youth Commission and assured the full support of the African Union Commission.
“Any development that comes to the World, comes from the young people, because youth is a time to dream”, Ambassador Quartey said.
H.E. Quartey accepted the invitation to attend the forthcoming 3rd Pan African Youth Conference on African Unity and Development in Banjul in March.
View pictures from our Facebook page.
AYC is a partner to the 5th Arts4Peace Forum 2019 organised by the African Artists Peace Initiative (AAPI)
The Fifth Arts4Peace Africa Forum is taking place from the 23 to 27 January 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the theme: ‘’Rethinking and Acting on The Situations and Needs of Refugees and Returnees in Africa’’. In company with African Union theme for 2019; “Year of Refugees, Returnees, and internally Displaced persons in Africa”. Celebrated under the theme: ‘Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement’.
AYC was ably represented by Ms. Natalie Sonia Mukundane, Ag. Executive Chairperson, Mr. Keith Ephraim Andere, Director of Programmes and Mr. Kawsu Sillah, Executive Secretary.
During the Forum, Ag. Executive Chairperson Ms. Natalie Sonia Mukundane moderated a session on ”Building A Culture of Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa; Results, Challenges and Opportunities”. And Kawsu Sillah, Executive Secretary spoke on a panel on “Role of Youth, Artists and Media (YAM), in the AU Campaign on Silencing All Guns in Africa by 2020.
For more and pictures:
The African Youth Charter defines youth as “every person between the ages of 15 and 35 years” (AU, 2006). Despite the recognition of the important role of youth in the delivery of green growth, and ultimately sustainable development, not enough has been done to enhance their ability to drive this agenda. Not only are youth particularly affected by the global crises such as climate change, but our societies currently fail to benefit fully from the creativity and dynamism inherent to youth. Green jobs resulting from green growth innovation by young people can be a steppingstone towards creating space for youth contributions to societal change.
To respond to this issue, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), commissioned a study to map and assess the capacity and levels of engagement of existing Pan African Youth Networks towards meaningful transformative actions to contribute towards green growth and sustainable development in Africa. This is expected to inform the key areas of focus towards building and strengthening capacity to drive the desired change towards sustainable development in Africa.
For more download the Individual Organisational Capacity Assessment Report for AYC