The AYC is an independent Pan-African youth network founded by youth leaders to foster synergy amongst youth and youth organisations on the African continent and Diaspora. Officially inaugurated on January 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the network is determined and committed to provide a space and voice for youth and youth organisations to set and drive their own agenda, promote the involvement of young people as key partners in the implementation of the Africa 2063 Agenda as well the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, support advocacy actions on the ratification and implementation of the African Youth Charter, other youth rights-based legal instruments and contribute to advancing the AU Shared Values through a network of locally based youth actors.
The organisational structure of the AYC is composed of General Assembly with representation from across Africa and diaspora, serving as the highest decision making organ; The Executive Council comprises of 10 members –an Executive Chairperson, Deputy Executive Chairperson and eight commissioners elected by General Assembly, serving as the governance organ responsible for policy formulation and advocacy; the Advisory Board with representation from the six regions of the African Union including the diaspora appointed by the Executive Council tasked to provide advisory and guidance to the Commission; and the Secretariat comprises of 8 staffs headed by an Executive Secretary and 7 directors appointed by the Executive Council, serving as the administrative, operations and programme organ of the Commission.
The AYC subscribed to the ideals and Pan African vision of African Union “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by itsown citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.” Its mission/slogan is: „Uniting Youth in Action for African Unity and Development‟. The core values of the AYC are: Integrity, Transparency, Pan Africanism and Inclusivity.
In accordance with article (14) paragraph (a) of the AYC constitution, an independent electoral committee is mandated to call for nominations from General membership of the African Youth Commission for official functions of the Executive Council at least three months before the Annual General Assembly meeting of the AYC. To this effect, the first Executive Council election of the AYC took place in Addis Ababa, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on January 25th 2017, which gave power to the ten (10) elected candidates to serve for a two year term from January 2017 to January 2019. Subsequently another team was elected in Banjul, The Gambia in March 2019.
The following positions are available and will be served for a two-year term:
- ExecutiveChairperson.
- DeputyExecutiveChairperson.
- Commissioner for Peace and Security.
- Commissioner for Political Affairs.
- CommissionerforTradeandIndustry.
- Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy.
- Commissioner for Social, Economic and Environmental Affairs.
- Commissioner for Human Resources, Science, Technology andInnovation.
- Commissioner for Gender, Agriculture and Rural Economy.
- Commissioner for African Diaspora and External Affairs.
Eligibility criteria
To fit for nomination, candidates:
- Must subscribed to the ideals and Pan African vision of “anintegrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its owncitizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena”;
- Be between the ages of 15 and 35 years;
- Be a citizen of any member state of African Union or African Diaspora,but not necessarily need to be resident in that country;
- Be a member of the AYC National Consortium operating in Africa or Diaspora, and his/her candidature must be endorsed by the affiliated National Consortium. The affiliated Consortium must be in ‘GoodStanding’ – a paid-up member with AYC;
- Understand that, National Consortium can nominate only onecandidate to contest for one position in the Executive Council;
- Understand that, Individual members in ‘Good Standing’ can vote butare not eligible to contest for position in the Executive Council;
- Understand that, the candidate must have a minimum two years of experience in youth work or have a track record as a national,regional/continental youth leader or activist;
- Understand that, in accordance with article (9) paragraph (1.1) of the AYC Constitution, the citizens of West Africa region are not eligible to contest for position of Executive Chairperson while those from East Africa are eligible to context for only one term for the position of the Executive Chairperson as the outgoing holder of this position is from Uganda in the East Africa region and the predecessor was from Burkina Faso in West Africa region. The position of the Executive Chairperson is rotated among the regions for fair and diverse representation across the Continent.
- Must be committed to hold a position for a maximum term of two (2) years renewable only once.
- Able to complete the online nomination form and submit along with copies of relevant documents such as a letter of endorsement from the affiliated National Consortium of the AYC, biography and recent photograph, curriculum vitae plus either a national identification card or international passport and a manifesto outlining plans/declaration in which the nominee undertakes, if elected, to serve as a member of the Executive Council to fulfill his/her obligations based on the Terms of Reference stipulated in the AYC Constitution and to respect the wishes of the voters.
Read the constitution of the AYC to familiarize yourself with expected roles and responsibilities of Executive Council members. Then complete the online nomination form if you think you have what it takes to run for office.
If you have any questions about the nominations or election process please contact the Independent Electoral Committee at: /
Apply HERE
Important Notes
Timeline | Activity |
15 February 2024 | Call for Nominations close |
17 – 19 Feb 2024 | Review of applications and selection of qualified candidates |
20 – 27 Feb 2024 | Candidate’s Acceptance |
28 Feb – 23 March 2024 | Weekly Webinar campaigns and manifesto presentation to the AYC members |
01 – 23 March 2024 | Candidates travel preparations (Nominated candidates are expected to be physically present at the General Assembly in Nairobi) |
25 – 26 March 2024 | 4th Pan African Youth Conference on African Unity and Development |
27 March 2024 | 5th General Assembly of the AYC and Executive Council Elections |
28 – 30 March 2024 | Transition and Inauguration of New Executive Council. |