AYC National Membership


The African Youth Commission (AYC) is an independent Pan-African youth network founded by youth leaders to foster synergy amongst youth and youth organisations on the African continent and Diaspora.

Officially inaugurated on January 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the network is determined and committed to provide a space and voice for youth and youth organisations to set and drive their own agenda, promote the involvement of young people as key partners in the implementation of the Africa 2063 Agenda as well the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, support advocacy actions on the ratification and implementation of the African Youth Charter, other youth rights-based legal instruments and contribute to advancing the AU Shared Values through a network of locally based youth actors.

In line with pillar (5) objective (3) of the AYC Strategic Plan 2018-2020 and part of its efforts to build a stronger youth network in Africa and expand the reach and impact of the African Youth Commission, the AYC Secretariat is pleased to launch a call for membership to the National Consortium of AYC.

The National Consortium will serve as an umbrella body to organise and coordinate activities of the AYC member organisations at national level as well as to promote and support other in-country youth initiatives.


In line with Article (3) paragraph (b) of the AYC constitution, the membership for National Consortium is open to youth organizations, youth groups, youth networks, youth coalitions, youth councils, youth commissions, youth associations, youth parliaments, youth professional and think tank bodies, youth chambers of commerce, youth clubs in high schools and colleges, and associations of university students from all member states of the African Union and Diaspora.



a) Youth structures seeking for membership to the National Consortium shall be required to fulfill the following minimum requirements:

1) Subscribed to the ideals and Pan African vision of “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.”

2)  Be a national youth structure from any member state of African Union or African Diaspora.

3)  Acquired legal status to operate in a country or Diaspora where the structure exists.

4)  Exists for a minimum of one (1) month and able to submit a copy of constitution, meeting minutes and prove of legal status for membership application.

5)  Be committed to pay for an annual membership fee.

All membership application to the National Consortium will be subjected to a review and approval by the AYC Secretariat.



Members of the National Consortium would be required to:

  1. Agree to join the National Consortium alongside other members,appoint a focal point within the Consortium to coordinate and report the activities of the Consortium to the AYC Secretariat. The position of the focal point will be rotated annually among members of the Consortium.
  2. Pay a membership fee as stipulated in the annual membership fees below and submits a letter of financial commitment to the AYC Secretariat for payment of membership.
  3. Renew their membership status every (1) year.
  4. Adhere to a Code of Conduct and Ethics to be developed by the AYCSecretariat.
  5. Register the National Consortium under the appropriate laws of theircountry and open a Bank account for the Consortium.
  6. Attend monthly meetings of the National Consortium, the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the AYC, and where necessary attend the national, regional and continental meetings of the AYC or itsInternational partners.
  7. Promote the work of AYC and encourage membership at Nationallevel.
  8.  Collaborate, strengthen and support the work of each other (membersof the National Consortium.

Annual Membership Fees,

Annual Membership fees, once paid, are non-refundable. The assessed Membership dues shall be as follows;


a) $300 (Three hundred US Dollars) for each member of the National Consortium in Africa.


a) $500 (Five hundred US Dollars) for each member of the National Consortium in Diaspora.

Membership Benefits

Members of the National Consortium are entitled to the following;

  1. Certificate of membership.
  2. Member profile and logo on AYC website.
  3. AYC Secretariat will contribute a grant up $2,500 minimum and $5,000maximum for the operations of National Consortium in each Member State (this will be subjected to the size of National Consortium and compliance to the internal terms and conditions).
  4. Participation in activities (Capacity Building, Training Workshops, Consultations and Conferences) organised by the AYC or its International partners.
  5. Opportunity to engage, collaborate and network with other AYC National Consortiums and International Partners from across Africa and Diaspora.
  6. Nominate a representative to contest for Executive Council positions in the AYC.
  7. g)  National Consortium will automatically become a member of Regional Consortium in the geographical region they are operating; i.e the National Consortium for the Gambia will join the AYC ECOWAS Regional Consortium.
  8. h)  Technical and financial supports to design and implement in-country youth projects.

Termination of Membership,

Membership to the National Consortium will be terminated upon:

  1. Failure to participate in the monthly meeting of National Consortium forthree (3) consecutive times.
  2. Failure to comply or involvement in activities incompatible withprovisions in the Articles of the AYC constitution or agreed internal

    terms and conditions will result in a complete membership termination.

  3. Voluntary withdrawal or termination of membership by a memberstructure.
  4. Failure to pay a membership fee on stipulated or agreed timeframe.